An online course.

Both accredited and non-accredited paths available.

This course explores René Girard’s mimetic theory and its theological implications. Desire, violence, and conversion are key theological concepts given new meaning through this anthropological perspective. You’ll also gain new insights into the origins and development of ritual, religion, and culture and see how the human story finds a crescendo in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Mimetic theory provides a re-interpretation of history, self, society, and scriptures. This process of re-interpretation, helps us construct a new story in which to find ourselves. We trust that it will also open new possibilities for how your story might still unfold. Starting May 2025

  • Section 1. Overview of Mimetic Theory 
  • Section 2. Mimetic Desire 
    • 1. Mimesis – Our Reflective Nature.
    • 2. Desire and Self-formation.
  • Section 3. Scapegoating Mechanism, Religion & Culture. 
    • 1. Hominization.
    • 2. Ritual and Myth.
    • 3. Religion and Culture.
  • Section 4. Scripture, Jesus & Conversion 
    • 1. Scripture & Subversion of Myth.
    • 2. Jesus – Unveiling what was Hidden.
    • 3. Jesus and Mimesis in the Gospel of John.

Andre Rabe is a storyteller, theologian, philosopher, author, and public speaker. Andre earned his doctorate degree in theology. He is known for his contributions to research on mimetic theory, open and relational theology, process philosophy, science and religion, and how to make these ideas relevant to real life.

An academic accredited path is available through our partnership with St. Stephens. For the accredited path, register here.

©[current-year] Mimesis Academy since 2015